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How Much Does An Acre of Land Cost in Texas?

Texas is a favorite to buy for many. It’s a special place because it has a lot of different kinds of land, from open fields to busy cities. That’s why a lot of people like to buy land there. But just how much does an acre of land cost in Texas? In this article, you will read about the factors that influence land prices in the state, current market trends, and much more. 

What Is the Cost of Land in Texas?

The average cost of land in Texas in 2023 is $4,566 per acre. This is according to the Texas Real Estate Research Center, which tracks land sales throughout the state.

However, the cost of land in Texas can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including:

  • Location: Land in urban areas and near major highways is typically more expensive than land in rural areas.
  • Zoning: Land that is zoned for commercial or residential development is typically more expensive than land that is zoned for agricultural or recreational use.
  • Amenities: Land with access to water, electricity, and other amenities is typically more expensive than land without these amenities.

Current Land Prices in Texas

As land prices in Texas could vary widely. Below is the breakdown of the average price per acre of land in different regions of Texas:

  • North Texas: $3,500-$4,500
  • Central Texas: $4,000-$5,000
  • East Texas: $2,500-$3,500
  • West Texas: $2,000-$3,000
  • South Texas: $3,000-$4,000

It is important to note that these are just averages, and the actual price of land can vary significantly depending on the specific factors mentioned above. If you are interested in buying land in Texas, it is important to work with a qualified real estate agent who can help you find the right property for your needs and budget

Factors Affecting Land Prices in Texas


One of the most significant factors determining the cost of an acre of land in Texas is its location. Urban areas, such as Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio, typically command higher prices per acre due to the proximity to amenities, employment opportunities, and infrastructure. On the other hand, rural areas or those further from major cities tend to have more affordable land prices.

Land Type

The type of land you’re interested in also plays a crucial role in its price. Agricultural land, particularly in regions like the Texas Panhandle, might be more affordable per acre than land intended for residential or commercial development. The quality of soil and its potential for farming or ranching can significantly impact the cost.

Market Demand

Market demand can cause fluctuations in land prices. If an area is experiencing rapid population growth or becoming a hub for industries like technology or energy, the demand for land increases, subsequently driving up prices. Conversely, regions with declining populations or limited economic opportunities may have lower land prices.

Zoning and Regulations

Local zoning laws and regulations can affect land prices. Some areas may have strict zoning restrictions that limit what you can do with the land, while others may be more flexible. These regulations can impact the land’s value, especially if they limit its potential uses.

Infrastructure and Utilities

Access to infrastructure like roads, water supply, and electricity can affect land prices. Land that already has these utilities in place tends to be more expensive than undeveloped land that requires additional investments in infrastructure.

Tips to find a cheap land in Texas

Following are some tips on how to find cheap land in Texas:

  • Look in rural areas:

Land is generally cheaper in rural areas than in metropolitan areas.

  • Land far fr highway cities:

Consider buying land that is far from major highways or cities. The further the land is from major transportation routes, the cheaper it is likely to be.

  • Zoned land:

Look for land that is not zoned for development. Land that is zoned for agricultural or recreational use is often cheaper than land that is zoned for residential or commercial use.

  • Buy land at a tax sale:

When property owners do not pay their taxes, the government can auction off the property. Tax sales are a great way to find cheap land, but it is important to do your research before you buy.

  • Real estate agent:

Work with a real estate agent who specializes in land sales. A real estate agent can help you find land that meets your needs and budget.

  • Be flexible with your location:

If you are willing to live in a rural area or far from a major city, you will be more likely to find cheap land.

  • Be patient:

It may take some time to find the perfect piece of land at the right price. Don’t be afraid to walk away from a deal if it is not right for you.

  • Do your research:

Before you make an offer on any property, be sure to do your research and learn as much as you can about the land and the surrounding area.

  • Be prepared to negotiate:

Land sellers are often willing to negotiate on price, especially if you are willing to buy a large parcel of land or if you are willing to pay cash.


Where Is the Cheapest Land in Texas?

The cheapest land in Texas is typically found in the Panhandle and South Plains region, or in Far West Texas. In the Panhandle and South Plains, the average price per acre is $1,511. In Far West Texas, the average price per acre is even lower, at $1,082. However, it is important to note that land prices can vary widely depending on the specific location, quality of the land, and other factors.

Why is farmland increasing in value in Texas?

There are a number of reasons why farmland values are increasing in Texas. One reason is that Texas is a major agricultural state, and there is a strong demand for land for farming and ranching. Texas has a growing population, which is putting increasing pressure on land resources. Texas has a favorable tax climate for landowners, which makes it an attractive place to invest in land.

Is buying land in Texas a good investment?

Buying land in Texas can be a good investment, but it is important to do your research and understand the risks involved. Land values in Texas have been on a steady upward trajectory in recent years, but there is no guarantee that this trend will continue in the future. Land ownership can be expensive, and there are ongoing costs associated with maintaining land, such as property taxes and insurance.

Will farmland prices continue to rise in 2023?

It is difficult to predict whether farmland prices will continue to rise in 2023. However, there are a number of factors that could contribute to continued price increases, such as the strong demand for land for agriculture and ranching, the growing population of Texas, and the favorable tax climate for landowners.

How much does an acre of land cost in Texas?

The average price of an acre of land in Texas in 2023 is $4,566. However, land prices can vary widely depending on the specific location, quality of the land, and other factors. For example, land in the Panhandle and South Plains region is typically less expensive than land in the Austin-Waco-Hill Country region.

Is buying land in Texas cheap?

Whether or not buying land in Texas is cheap depends on your perspective. Compared to other states, such as California and New York, land in Texas is relatively affordable. Land prices in Texas have been increasing in recent years, and land ownership can still be expensive.

Why are land prices so high in Texas?

There are a number of reasons why land prices are so high in Texas. One reason is that Texas is a large and diverse state, with a variety of different types of land available. This diversity of land types makes Texas an attractive place to live, work, and invest. Texas has a strong economy and a growing population, which is putting increasing pressure on land resources. Texas has a favorable tax climate for landowners, which makes it an attractive place to invest in land.

Jordan jam

I am Jordan, a construction estimator from Texas with 9 years of experience. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and expertise with others, and I do this through my website, On my website, I offer a variety of resources for people who are interested in learning more about construction estimating, including blog posts, articles, and videos. I am excited to be sharing my knowledge and experience with you through Builders Bee. I believe that everyone has the potential to be a successful construction estimator, and I am committed to providing the resources and support you need to achieve your goals.

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